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March 06, 2011

.NET Reflector is Priceless

Recently, thanks to the Big Swinging Developer, I was given a license of .NET Reflector.

I just wanted to say that Reflector really is priceless!

Just today I was working on a new install for a remote customer and wouldn't you know it, the application threw a null object reference exception when I tried to start it!

I didn't have any sources or symbols so I could have thrown in the towel right there.

Instead I used Reflector to export the assembly to a CSPROJ and rebuilt it so I could have my own symbols and source code. Before I could say "Big Swinging (Install) Developer" I was stepping through the code and found the source of the problem.

So instead of having the usual "works on my machine"discussion that so often accompanys integration I had the remote developer fixing the problem.

Priceless!  Thanks redgate, Red-Gate or Red Gate. ( Not sure how it should be spelled! )

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